A new way for product teams to analyze customer feedback

Userdex is an AI-powered co-pilot that helps product teams capture, analyze and utilize customer feedback to nail user needs.

Userdex dashboard

Listen to your customers at scale


Set up integrations effortlessly and start capturing customer feedback in a centralized repository. We will help you extract user feedback from meetings, CRM tools, and more. No more data silos in Excel or Miro.

Photo showing multiple integrations with different tools like Zoom, Google Meet, Zendesk, and more.


Derive key insights with the help of large language models such as GPT-4. Save dozens of hours per month on manual analysis.

Example questions, like "What are the main complains", and a shape with title "Userdex Generative AI Analysis"


Utilize customer insights effectively. Back user stories and product decisions with real customer feedback.

Customer quote with a link to the original source material.

The days of manual analysis for qualitative customer feedback are over.

of unstructured customer feedback gets lost in silos and is never used for product decisions.
spent on qualitative analysis by PMs, PDs, or UXRs every month.
27 hours

Loved by product teams

I think it's a really cool thing. And I think the “wow” moment for me was when I typed what I wanted, and then it showed me even the timeslot of each interview. So I could certainly see myself using this for my own work.

Product manager at HeyJobs

That's exactly what researcher does for me if they are motivated and have the time for it. And that's good… This is actually the researcher's work that now is at my fingertips.

Product lead at essentry

Oh, that's cool. So basically you are matching all that input that, let's say, the UX Team did or Customer Success did to the questions I'm having here and with a timer. So I would assume that if I click here, it goes directly to that time in the video. Yeah, perfect.

Senior product manager

Start analyzing customer feedback in seconds with Userdex